Grants and Partnerships
Projects through the Elderly Fund
Funding secured, to be executed soon
Living and Flourishing in the Golden Years
- Amount raised – R$ 88.290,01
- Implementation period – March to July 2024
- Final report
- Official publications
- Support this project
In funding process
The objective is the comprehensive protection, defense of rights, and the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, cultural, and family development of the target audience, ensuring their participation in the community, defending their dignity and well-being, and guaranteeing their right to life in accordance with regulatory instruments aimed at the elderly. Computer courses, senior gymnastics, dance and craft activities, recreation, lectures, movie sessions, discussion groups, and psychological care will be offered three times a week for 50 elderly people.
Promotion of active, dignified, and healthy aging:
- Approaching aging from a positive, comprehensive, and participatory perspective, aiming at: health promotion, disease prevention, and food security; access to culture in all its forms and in the city’s cultural spaces; access to sports, leisure, and physical activities; education and personal development, knowledge, and access to information technology, media, and social networks; professional qualification, income generation, and reintegration into the labor market, according to individual demands and potentialities; access to services and participation in economic, political, health, social, and cultural life, with active involvement in social control;
- Opportunities for intergenerational transmission of culture and values, leveraging the potential and knowledge of the elderly, and redefining their role in society;
- Promotion of actions that identify, stimulate, and support the development of new skills for those in the aging process, in both work and leisure time, aiming at the restructuring of their personal and professional life projects, as well as encouraging income supplementation;
- Support for the retirement process, including strategies for building personal and professional life projects and for supplementing income;
- Actions that encourage the development of technologies and innovations benefiting the aging and elderly population.
Reconnect - The Art of Living
- Amount raised to date – R$ 56.000,00
- Implementation date – after the completion of the ‘Living and Flourishing in the Golden Years’ project
- Final report
- Official publications
In funding process
It aims for comprehensive protection, defense of rights, and the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, cultural, and family development of the target audience, ensuring their participation in the community, safeguarding their dignity and well-being, and guaranteeing their right to life in accordance with regulatory frameworks for the elderly. IT courses, senior gymnastics, dance and craft activities, recreation, lectures, movie sessions, discussion groups, and psychological support will be offered three times a week for 50 elderly individuals.
Project through FCA - Fund for Childhood and Adolescence
Overcoming Challenges and Promoting Transformation
- Amount raised – R$ 378.547,43
- Implementation date – Starting on 11/14/2023 with expected completion by
- Final report
- Official publications
In progress
- The project will serve children and/or teenagers under the terms of Article 2, caput, of Federal Law No. 8,069/1990, within the following guidelines and priority actions, namely:
- Facilitation of access to quality public policies that guarantee the human rights of children and adolescents, as well as their families, addressing the overcoming of inequalities, affirming diversity through the promotion of equity and social inclusion;
- Conducting activities related to art, culture, music, sports, and leisure for children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability and for the prevention of the use and abuse of psychoactive substances;
- Promotion of local intersectoral spaces for the articulation of actions and the development of joint action plans focused on families in situations of violence and/or social vulnerability, with the participation of health, social assistance, and education professionals, as well as bodies promoting, protecting, and defending the rights of children and adolescents;
- Implementation of complementary actions focused on health, education, and social assistance, observing the principle of absolute priority for children and adolescents;
- Promotion of art, culture, music, sports, and leisure for children and adolescents, aimed at family and community interaction and strengthening social bonds;
- Publicizing actions and programs for the defense of the Rights of Children and Adolescents;
- Divulgação de ações e programas de defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente;
- Addressing the vulnerabilities of the territories where the project will take place: child labor, which has increased significantly with the pandemic (especially garlic peeling in Ipê Amarelo), involvement in drug trafficking, particularly in the regions of Nova Contagem and Ipê Amarelo; school dropout and abandonment, which have become alarming due to the pandemic; criminal activities; intrafamily and widespread violence; sexual abuse; idleness; lack of family structure due to job loss, among many others.
This project aims to contribute to the reduction of inequalities and social vulnerabilities by offering attractive and diverse activities to the target audience and working in partnership with the intersectoral network to find effective solutions.
It will be implemented in three different neighborhoods in Contagem, at the institution’s physical locations.
Ensuring Opportunities
- Amount raised
- Implementation date
- Final report
- Official publications
In funding process
- Facilitating access to quality public policies that ensure the rights of children and adolescents, as well as their families, addressing the overcoming of inequalities, affirming diversity by promoting equity and social inclusion.
ACTION: Implement projects aimed at guaranteeing human rights, along with access to culture, leisure, and sports, to encourage the development of children and adolescents;
ACTION: Prioritize actions focused on children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability and/or at risk, in coordination with various municipal public policies;
Guideline 2: Expand the availability of professional training and productive inclusion actions for adolescents.
ACTION: Implement projects that support, facilitate, promote, monitor, and raise awareness about the inclusion of adolescents and young people, their qualification, and their insertion into the labor market;
ACTION: Encourage partnerships to strengthen apprenticeship programs and/or insertion into the protected labor market, prioritizing support for adolescents and families in situations of social vulnerability and/or removed from irregular work.
These guidelines and actions were chosen due to the vulnerabilities of the territories where the project will be carried out: addressing vulnerabilities such as child labor, which increased significantly during the pandemic (especially garlic peeling in Ipê Amarelo), involvement in drug trafficking, particularly in the regions of Nova Contagem and Ipê Amarelo; school dropout and abandonment, which became alarming during the pandemic; criminality; intrafamily and widespread violence; sexual abuse; idleness; and lack of family structure due to job loss, among many other challenges.
This project aims to contribute to reducing inequalities and social vulnerabilities by offering attractive and diverse activities to the target audience and through joint efforts with the intersectoral network to find effective solutions.
Early Childhood Education – Municipal Department of Education of Contagem
In Nova Contagem, in partnership with Colégio Batista, 600 children aged 3 to 5 are served; and in Ipê Amarelo, 78 children aged 2 and 3. The institution operates during both morning and afternoon periods.
- Amount raised – Value per child by age group
- Implementation period – year-round
- Final report – annually
- Official publications – Instagram
Socialization and Bond Strengthening Service - CRAS – Municipal Department of Social Assistance, Labor, and Food Security
Technical cooperation for the development of the Socialization and Bond Strengthening Service (SCFV), referenced in the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS), in accordance with Resolution No. 109, of November 11, 2009 – National Typification of Socio-assistance Services. Administration of 11 centers in various regions of the municipality.
- Annual agreement amount – R$ 893.625,16
- Implementation period – ano todo
- Final report – annually
- Official publications – Instagram
The Socialization and Bond Strengthening Service (SCFV) is a result of the reordering set forth in CIT Resolution No. 01, dated February 21, 2013, which unified the Child Labor Eradication Programs, Projovem Adolescents Program, and Group Assistance Program for the Elderly. It is a service organized into groups to broaden cultural exchanges and experiences among users, strengthen family and community ties, and develop a sense of belonging and identity. The SCFV has a preventive and proactive nature, focused on the defense and affirmation of rights and the development of users’ capacities and potential, aiming to address social vulnerabilities. Its focus is on offering socialization and community-building activities, with interventions in socially vulnerable contexts to strengthen bonds and prevent situations of social exclusion. These efforts are guided by the service’s core principles: Social Integration, the Right to Be, and Social Participation. Within SUAS (Unified Social Assistance System), reordering represents an advancement in consolidating and organizing social assistance services aimed at children, adolescents, and the elderly, strengthening the principle of decentralized management across entities and respecting the diversity of group work practices with the social assistance public in each territory. For SCFV services, it is recommended that 50% of the audience consist primarily of adolescents and elderly individuals in the following situations: social isolation; child labor; experiencing violence and/or neglect; out of school or with more than a two-year educational gap; in institutional care; under socio-educational measures; released from socio-educational measures; situations of abuse and/or sexual exploitation; under protective measures of the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA); adolescents in street situations; and vulnerability concerning people with disabilities. The other half of the audience will consist of spontaneous demand, active searches, referrals from the social assistance network, and other public policies, as evaluated and referred by CRAS, in accordance with Resolution No. 109, dated November 11, 2009 – National Typification of Socio-assistance Services.
Complementary actions with families and the community aim to protect and develop children, adolescents, and elderly individuals, and to strengthen family and community ties. The goals are to ensure safe spaces for group, community, and social interaction; to foster relationships of affection, solidarity, and mutual respect; to expand the informational, artistic, and cultural universe of adolescents, while encouraging the development of their potential and talents, and fostering their civic education; to stimulate participation in public life and develop competencies for a critical understanding of social reality and the contemporary world; to contribute to the insertion, reinsertion, and retention of adolescents in the educational system; and to offer experiences that value the elderly’s life experiences and contribute to a healthy and autonomous aging process.
Protection Agreement - Municipal Department of Social Assistance, Labor, and Food Security
Technical and financial cooperation between the municipality and the Social Organization (OSC) for the continuation of the institutional shelter service for children and adolescents of both sexes – in the shelter modality, an action defined by the National Social Assistance Policy (PNAS) and the National Plan for the Promotion, Protection, and Defense of Children and Adolescents, under the framework of Special High-Complexity Protection, in accordance with the Typification of Socio-assistance Services – Resolution 109/2009/CNAS.
- Annual amount – R$ 2.607.544,13
- State Parliamentary Amendment
Serve children and teenagers in sports and cultural activities, and women in creative sewing.
- Funding Agreement Amount – R$ 200.000,00
- Duration – until 12/26/2024

Our partners
They are organizations and institutions, whether public or private, that occasionally support Casa de Apoio’s work through services, volunteering, consultancy, and/or various donations:
- IBBP – Igreja Batista do Barro Preto
- Instituto Profarma
- Comitê pela Cidadania
- Colégio Batista Mineiro
- Faculdade Anhanguera
- CH TECH Tecnologia da Informação
- Regionais da Saúde
- Empresa TapEletro
- Escola Municipal Vasco Pinto da Fonseca
- Parque Ecológico Eldorado
- Escola de Enfermagem Santa Rita
- UNIP – Universidade Paulista
- Supermercado Verdemar do Shopping Pátio Savassi
- Padaria La Paz
- Faculdade Única
- Odonto Prime
- Cemei Nova Contagem
- Supermercado Nova Contagem
- Michelin / SASCAR
- Mission Pioner
- Cacau Show
(Nova Contagem, Contagem sede e Quiosque Cidade Administrativa) - Empresa Iron Mountain
- Instituto Arcor
They are individuals, institutions, and/or companies that have funded projects and initiatives carried out by Casa de Apoio over nearly 30 years. Examples include: construction projects and equipment purchases.
- Fundação Belgo Mineira
- Belgo Bekaert Arames
- CNH Industrial
- Visão Mundial
- Gary A. Taylor Investiment Co.
- Stu Butler – Home Inspections, LLC
- David Maddox Co.
- Mission Pionner
- Elglewood Baptist Church – Jackson – TN – USA
- Missão Batista de Ridgeway – USA
- First Baptist Church – Uper Malboro – Maryland – USA
- Missão Batista de West Acres – Anderson – SC – USA
- New Prospect Baptist Church – Anderson – Anderson – SC – USA
- Mission of Integrity
- Primeira Igreja Batista de Belo Horizonte
Municipal Public Utility
State Public Utility
Federal Public Utility
Patronal – CCSAE – Certificate of Charitable Social Assistance Entity
External audits and financial reporting
They were conducted in 2023, covering the years 2020, 2021, and 2022.