Support the Ministry

Solidarity Tax
Did you know that, even as an individual, you can donate part of your Income Tax to our projects? To do so, you just need to follow a few steps during the tax filing period.
Check out the step-by-step guide:
Learn more through the link provided by the Federal Revenue Service
Direct Financial Donations
You can also donate any amount to our institution through the account below.
- Bank: Caixa Econômica Federal
- Agency: 0893 | C/C: 2445-8 | Operação: 003
- PIX Key: CNPJ – 00211504000150 – Nome Fantasia: Lar Criança Vida.
- Email:
Donate your time and/or services
If you decide to help through volunteer work or by donating services, we would be thrilled. Over the years, people with various skills have offered their time and commitment to work with us.
You can offer services or expertise according to your area of work, as long as it is properly certified. Examples: teaching a language at the institutions, giving music lessons, providing dental care, contributing to the development of educational projects, offering support for job market insertion, giving lectures, etc.
To become a volunteer, simply fill out the form below and wait for someone from our team to get in touch.
According to the law, volunteers can only work up to 8 hours per week.
Volunteer and Internship Programs
Request a Commitment Agreement from the college you are attending. Casa de Apoio already has agreements with several colleges, and if that’s not the case for you, it will be simple and quick to establish one.
Afterward, a Commitment Agreement will be signed between the college, the student, and the institution.
Legal Entities / Companies
Sponsorships through incentive laws
Your company can allocate part of the taxes owed to the Federal Revenue Service to our projects through the Childhood and Adolescence Law or the Elderly Law. To learn more about our projects currently in the funding process, visit the Projects page.
Financial or Item Donations
If your company has item collection projects for donation or wishes to financially support Casa de Apoio, simply contact our team to arrange the delivery details.
Corporate Volunteer Projects
If your company has a volunteer program and wishes to participate in our units through specific actions, we would be delighted to welcome you.
If you are interested in becoming a partner, please contact the person in charge at the unit closest to you:
- Adriana – Eldorado Coordinator: +55 31 9174-2920
- Rodrigo – Nova Contagem Coordinator: +55 31 9757-0422
- Dulce – Elderly Ipê Coordinator: +55 31 9245-6076
- Rosana – CEIA Coordinator: +55 31 99909-9530