Sponsor a Child

Our children and teenagers participate in workshops such as arts, music, ballet, jazz, taekwondo, basketball, futsal, IT, and tutoring, all of which promote inclusion, prevention, and the protection of rights. All of this is made possible through donations and incentive law projects. We receive many requests from people willing to help but unsure how, so we created the sponsorship program. Becoming a sponsor is an opportunity for you to support a child, ensuring care and assistance for our students. This could be your chance to change a child’s life.

I want to sponsor!

Fill out the form below and transform a child’s life:

    Donate now via PayPal

    Meet our children


    Wears size 4, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with puzzles


    Wears size 4, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with toy cars


    Wears size 4, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys riding a bicycle


    Wears size 4, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with toy cars

    Antonella Costa Alves

    Wears size 6, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with dolls

    Ana Lívia Moreira Alves

    Wears size 6, shoe size 28 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with dolls

    Alice Emanuelle Macário dia Santos

    Wears size 8, shoe size 27 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with dolls

    Aylla Elisa de Almeida Alves

    Wears size 4, shoe size 24 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing house

    Isabella Beatriz Lima Marques

    Wears size 8, shoe size 28 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with dolls

    Pedro Henrique Ramos Oliveira

    Wears size 6, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys riding a bicycle

    Samuel de Jesus Candeia

    Wears size 6, shoe size 28 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing ball games

    Emanuelly Fernandes Goulart

    Wears size 6, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys riding a bicycle

    Evellyn Gabriele Fernandes dos Santos

    Wears size 14, shoe size 35/36 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with friends

    Victor Alexandre do Nascimento Lopes do Val

    Wears size 12, shoe size 36 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with Lego

    Bianca sophia Rodrigues Ferreira

    Wears size 8, shoe size 31/32 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with dolls

    Eloise Ferreira Gomes

    Wears size 12, shoe size 33 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with dolls

    Maristella dos Santos Gonçalves

    Wears size 4, shoe size 24 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with Lego

    Samuel de Moura Silva

    Wears size 6, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with Lego

    Théo Cassimiro de Oliveira

    Wears size 4, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing Spider-Man

    Richard Charlles de Jesus Silva

    Wears size 4, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys riding a bicycle

    Nicolly Sofia de Jesus Rodrigues

    Wears size 6, shoe size 24 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with Barbie

    Hevilyn Laís Gonçalves da Silva

    Wears size 8/9, shoe size 33 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with dolls

    Ravi Felipe de Jesus Lopes Sampaio

    Wears size 12, shoe size 35/36 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing soccer

    Davi Augusto Lucas Silva

    Wears size M, shoe size 34/35 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing ball

    Kairon Sanches Brandão Martins

    Wears size 10, shoe size 31 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing soccer

    Letícia Caroline Carvalho Duarte

    Wears size 12, shoe size 36 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys going for walks

    Keone Sanches Brandão Martins

    Wears size 14, shoe size 36 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing soccer

    Maria Elisie

    Wears size 12, shoe size 33 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing games

    João Rafael Costa Mota de Abreu

    Wears size 10/11, shoe size 34 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with friends

    Anthony de Castro

    Wears size 6, shoe size 28 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with toy cars

    João Luccas Soares

    Wears size 8, shoe size 28 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with toy cars

    Theo Souza Gontijo

    Wears size 6, shoe size 25 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing

    Shaymom de Jesus Batista

    Wears size 6, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing Spider-Man

    Riquelme Emanuel Teixeira

    Wears size 6, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing

    Sara Gonçalves de Souza

    Wears size 6, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing

    Lucas Eduardo Gomes

    Wears size 10, shoe size 29 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing soccer

    Lorenzo Soares

    Wears size 10, shoe size 30 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing games

    João Guilherme de Souza Cruz

    Wears size 6, shoe size 29 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with toy cars

    João Pedro Ribeiro

    Wears size 6, shoe size 27 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys reading books

    Jasmine Cleopatra Andrade

    Wears size 6, shoe size 24 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing

    Otavio Fagundes Franco

    Wears size 6, shoe size 25 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing Spider-Man

    Isabelle Viana Santos

    Wears size 6, shoe size 30 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with dolls

    Nicolly Vitoria Barbosa

    Wears size 8, shoe size 29 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys coloring

    Eyshila Luana Ribeiro

    Wears size 6, shoe size 28 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with a scooter

    Evellyn Elisa de Castro

    Wears size 6, shoe size 29 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing house

    Clarisse Viana

    Wears size 6, shoe size 30 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing house

    Emanuelly Fernades Goulart

    Wears size 6, shoe size 25 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with dolls

    Antonela Costa Alves

    Wears size 6, shoe size 30 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with dolls

    Ana Clara Pereira

    Wears size 6, shoe size 30 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys riding a bicycle

    Alice Emanuele Macario

    Wears size 6, shoe size 30 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing

    Ana Beatriz de Souza

    Wears size 6, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys playing with dolls

    Alerrando de Souza

    Wears size 6, shoe size 26 (Brazilian size)

    Enjoys music

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What does it mean to be a Sponsor?

    A sponsor is someone who commits to making monthly financial contributions to provide better support and quality of life for these children and teenagers, most of whom experience deprivation, exclusion, and social vulnerability.

    In addition to financial contributions, you can also support them on special occasions such as Christmas, Easter, Children’s Day, and the child’s birthday.

    Your donation will ensure the continuation of workshops, projects, and care through professional training, tutoring, sports activities, and more. Click here to learn more about the institution’s workshops and projects.

    What is the contribution amount?

    Your donation of 36.00 per month will impact the life of your sponsored child by providing care and hope for a better tomorrow.

    How will my contribution be applied?

    The sponsorship amount is not given directly to the child or their family; it is managed by us, the institution, based on the needs of the children.

    Your contribution is therefore applied to benefits aimed at supporting the development, implementation, and monitoring of social programs in areas such as education, sports, health, food and nutritional security, leisure, artistic activities, socio-environmental awareness, and income generation, as well as the operational and administrative activities of the organization.

    This ensures that the resources provided benefit the largest possible number of children and adolescents.

    Every year, Casa de Apoio prepares a financial accountability report detailing the allocation of all funds received. Click here to visit our transparency page..

    Can I correspond with my sponsored child?

    To strengthen the bonds of affection between sponsors and their sponsored children, we encourage the exchange of correspondence with your sponsored child.

    To protect both the sponsor and the child, all letters must be sent to Casa de Apoio, where they will be read and registered by professionals from our organization.

    You can send your letter in several ways:

    – By email: apadrinhamento@casadeapoio.org.br
    – By mail: Casa de Apoio à Criança de Contagem

    Rua Paineiras, 1448 – Eldorado – Contagem – MG – BR – ZIP 32310-400


    Don’t forget to mention the name and identification number of your sponsored child in the letter. You can find this information in the child’s history.

    About the content of the letters

    Although correspondence between sponsors and their sponsored children is personal and encouraged by Casa de Apoio de Contagem, the following rules must be strictly observed and respected.

    Prohibited Content

    – Do not include addresses, phone numbers, or any other information that allows direct contact between sponsors and sponsored children;

    – Direct contact between sponsors and sponsored children through social media, email, or any other form of direct communication without the involvement of Casa de Apoio de Contagem is not allowed;

    – Inappropriate content or photographs that are not suitable for children or violate the principles of the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) are prohibited.

    – Sending money inside the letters is not allowed;

    Permitted Content

    – Share a little about your life and family, as well as general information about yourself (family, work, hobbies, etc.);

    – You may send photographs of your life and family to help the child get to know you better;

    – You can also send drawings and school supplies.

    How long does correspondence take?

    Within an average of 30 days from the arrival date of your message or correspondence, you will receive your sponsored child’s reply.

    For more information and details about the correspondence process, you can send us an email, and we will respond as soon as possible.

        Objetiva a proteção integral, a defesa dos direitos, o desenvolvimento físico, intelectual, afetivo, social, cultural e familiar do público-alvo, assegurando sua participação na comunidade, defendendo sua dignidade e bem-estar e garantindo-lhe o direito à vida de acordo com os instrumentos normativos dirigidos à pessoa idosa. Curso de informática, ginástica sênior, atividades de dança e artesanato, recreação, palestras, cineminha, rodas de conversa e atendimentos psicológicos serão oferecidos três vezes por semana para 50 idosos. 

        Promoção do envelhecimento ativo, digno e saudável:  

        1. Abordagem do envelhecimento sob uma perspectiva positiva, abrangente e participativa, com vistas a: promoção de saúde, prevenção de doenças e segurança alimentar; acesso à cultura em todos os seus aspectos e nos espaços culturais da cidade; acesso ao esporte e ao lazer e a atividades físicas; educação e desenvolvimento pessoal, conhecimento e acesso aos meios de tecnologia de informação, mídias, redes sociais; qualificação profissional, geração de renda e reinserção no mercado de trabalho, de acordo com as demandas e potencialidades; acesso a serviços, instâncias de participação na vida econômica, política, saúde, social, cultural e efetiva no controle social; 
        2. Oportunidades para transmissão de cultura e valores entre gerações, aproveitamento do potencial, conhecimento e ressignificação do papel da pessoa idosa na sociedade; 
        3. Promoção de ações que identifiquem, estimulem e favoreçam o desenvolvimento de novas habilidades da pessoa em processo de envelhecimento, no trabalho e na ocupação do tempo livre, visando à reestruturação do seu projeto de vida pessoal e profissional, bem como ao estímulo à complementação de renda; 
        4. Apoio para o processo de aposentadoria, incluindo a perspectiva da construção de um projeto de vida pessoal e profissional, bem como estratégias para complementação de renda; 
        5. Ações que incentivem o desenvolvimento de tecnologias e inovações que beneficiam a população em processo de envelhecimento e idosa.